Sunday, August 23, 2009

C&O Canal Bike Trip

On July 2-4, 10 intrepid members of Annandale Stake conquered the 184.5 miles of adventure known as the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal towpath.

OK, that was just the women. Here are three of the men:

My old mountain bike had seemed beyond redemption with a broken rear shifter, but that turned out to be a fairly cheap repair. In my bike's younger years, I had cycled the canal in pieces, but never the whole thing in one trip. So, when I heard about a proposed "Young Women" high adventure bike trip, I just had to go. Well, the "Young Women" chickened out leaving some more mature YW along with 3 husbands and a brother in law to head to the terminus of the canal at Cumberland, MD on a drizzly morning.

Day 1, 55 Miles

The obligatory shot with the mule statue

Looking back toward the beginning of the trail

Highlights of the day:

Old Town

The Paw Paw Tunnel

Paved trail the last few miles!

Happy Hills Campground

Dinner at Weavers

Day 2, the Killer (almost 80 miles)

The paved trail ends after 15 miles:(

Dam 5


Detour above Dam 4

Harpers Ferry

Finally, the Brunswick Family Campground

Lots of train noise, but we were too tired to notice.

Day 3, 54 miles

Catoctin Creek Aqueduct, preparing for reconstruction

One of many lock houses

Monocacy Aqueduct, freshly restored

White's Ferry


Great Falls


End of the Line

Three of our number had to go home after day 2 due to other commitments so we were down to 7 at the end. What a great trip with some great people. Next year, the GAP trail.

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