Friday, December 29, 2006

Where did 2005 go?

No updates since December 2004?--how pitiful is that! Well let's see what happened in 2005.

Weddings, that's what happened in 2005. Eddie and Andrea Howell (from Riverton, WY by way of BYU) were married on April 23rd 2005. From left: Matt, Emily, Chris, Mary Anne, Ben (Matt's son), Charles, Jacob (Matt's son), Eddie, AndreaDan, Annabelle, Sara, and Dave.

Sara married Chris Hiltner from Baxter, MN on May 14, 2005. From left Jacob, Emily, Matt, Annabelle, Dan, Dave, Sara, Big Chris, Ben, Charles, Mary Anne, Little Chris, Eddie, Andrea.

In June of 2005, Matt and Emily took all of our grandchildren (Annabelle, Ben, and Jacob) to Minnesota where he will do a dermatology residency. Here is the motley moving crew--Dave, Emily, Matt, Ben, Mary Anne, Annabelle, Charles, Sara, Big Chris, Dan, Jacob, Little Chris.

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