Sunday, September 20, 2009

September in Utah

After our adventures in Bend, we continued on to Utah for Charles' High School reunion in Park City and a visit with parents for me.

Sara came for the weekend to introduce Megan to her Henderson Great Grandparents.

We found time for a couple of outings early in the morning.

Hike to the Hot Pots

If you start out really early in the morning, you can hike to the hot pots without fear of running into anything of a shocking nature. And, you can enjoy the "hotness" of the pots before it gets too warm outside.

Hike to Timpanogos Cave

On Labor Day we got an early start once again. Even so, we were too late for tickets to the cave tour but made the hike anyway. I think my camera was left on the "indoor" setting since all the pictures turned out poorly. Here is another one anyway.

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