It's that time of year when we get to brag about everyone in our annual Christmas letter. if you want to read more, click on
Dear Friends and Family,
As we look out the window at a snow covered scene, we are reminded that it is once again time for the annual McClelland Christmas letter (even though we are a couple of days late). Of course, Mary Anne reminded Charles two weeks ago to get started on it, but better late than never! Here’s a bit of what has been happening with our family (for more, see our blogs or e-mail us!):Charles: Gradually ramping down on his professional work and lately has only had occasional courses to teach. His reduced workload has opened up the opportunity to do other things including cruise line lecturing (first lecture experience was last month on a 19 night Holland America Cruise through the Panama Canal). Mary Anne and Charles are pictured in front of the Bridge of the Americas in Panama. E-mail:, Blog:
Mary Anne: Also working less these days. In addition to the Panama Canal Cruise, she and Charles enjoyed a Southern Caribbean cruise out of Puerto Rico last January. In July, she biked the entire C&O Canal bike path and, with Charles, 110 miles of the Great Allegheny Passage trail. Between several trips to visit elderly parents, bike trips, youth conference, girls’ camp, trips to visit kids, some business trips for Charles, and the cruises, Charles and Mary Anne were away from home about 25% of the year. Dan: Has transferred his records to a Mid Singles magnet ward where he serves as 2nd Counselor in the Sunday School Presidency. Here’s Dan (far right) on Smith Rock with Charles, Mary Anne, and Matt and Emily’s children.
Matt and Emily: Matt Continues to practice dermatology in Bend, Oregon. Dan, Mary Anne, and Charles had a wonderful visit with the family in August climbing mountains, rafting down a river, swimming in a mountain lake, hiking in a lava tube cave, etc. Here is the family at Tumalo Falls. Blog:
Sara and Chris: Are really enjoying their little girl who is showing signs of being as independent as her mother was. Sara works at CSC, Chris at SRA. Blog:, private, so e-mail Sara at to view.
Eddie and Andrea: Continue to live in Columbus, Ohio, where they welcomed a baby boy last summer. Eddie continues to work for PWC while Andrea manages the two boys at home. Blog:
Dave: Had an exciting year, taking time off from his Mechanical Engineering graduate studies at BYU to backpack through Europe this summer with friends. Dave is in the center in this Abbey Road picture.
Chris and Christie: Chris has settled into his job in Salt Lake City with the Regional FBI office, while Christie is now teaching for the Alpine School District (having graduated from BYU this month).
We hope that each of you will be blessed with the righteous desires of your heart this Christmas and in the year to come.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Christmas 2009
Posted by
The McClelland Family
2:02 PM
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