I recently had the privilege of spending some quality time with the Columbus McClellands following the birth of their new son, Jonathan.
Thomas is very excited about his new "beebee" brother and is very gentle with him, pointing out all of his body parts (watch out, eyes).
Thomas and I had a chance to take plenty of walks and spent lots of time at the nearby playground.
Thomas is a busy boy!
A highlight of the visit, other than spending time with the fam, was a visit to Inniswood Gardens, a lovely spot in the Columbus area.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Fun With Thomas (and Eddie, Andrea, and Jonathan)
Posted by
The McClelland Family
6:15 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Baby Quilts
There is a quilt group in the Ward, so I decided it was time to learn, starting with baby quilts to make it easier. This was my first completed project for Sara's daughter, Megan.
Here is the back:
Recently I made the first quilt top I created into a quilt for Eddie and Andrea's son, Jonathan, born May 13th.
To those grandchildren I missed--not sure I will catch up. Maybe a college quilt.
Posted by
The McClelland Family
7:27 PM
Jonathan Charles McClelland
We welcome the latest addition to our family, born May 13, weighing 8 lbs. 11 oz., 19.5 inches long. He is a healthy, happy baby with a great appetite and mother and baby are doing well.
Here are some more pictures of the little guy:
Posted by
The McClelland Family
10:06 AM
Sunday, May 03, 2009
A Summer's Day in Solomons
OK, it wasn't really summer (still April) but it felt like summer, minus the crowds.
My husband had a gig at Pax River, so I came along for the ride. As usual, we stayed at the Holiday Inn Select and ate dinner at the CD cafe.
As usual, I spent the next morning walking around Solomon's Island, looking at the lovely homes. This is my favorite:
Then, as usual, I sat and watched the boats for awhile before exploring the rest of the island. Here are some other scenes from the trip.
Yes, I am sooo boring!
Posted by
The McClelland Family
8:56 AM