The McClelland clan gathered in Utah from all over the US for Chris and Christie's marriage on July 11th.
We had a bit of a family reunion as Dan, Sara, Big Chris, Charles, and Mary Anne flew in from the DC area; Matt, Em and kids drove from Bend, OR; and Eddie, Andrea and Thomas flew from Columbus, OH (Chris and Dave were already in Provo). The married folks all stayed at Mary Anne's parents' house in Springville, UT and the single guys all stayed at Chris and Dave's apartment in Provo. Mary Anne's sisters, Bonnie and Kathleen also came to provide moral support and photography. Our highly unscientific summer air travel poll showed that those who flew Southwest or American through DFW did OK, but there were lots of delays for those who took United through ORD (though sister Kathleen got 2 free tickets for her troubles).
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Christopher McClelland weds Christie Pennington
Posted by
The McClelland Family
3:06 PM
Last Trip to Minnesota
Matt has finished his residency! so we headed to Minnesota one last time for "graduation" and to help with the kids as the family prepared to move to Bend, OR. Congratulations, Matt.
Unless one of our other children decides they like cold winters or we have a connecting flight through MSP, we don't expect to return to Minnesota. It's been fun visiting the twin cities, but are glad that Matt's medical training is complete and the family won't have to endure another interminable winter. We had fun, as usual, with Annabelle, Ben, Jacob, and Elisabeth, keeping them occupied while Mom and Dad did all the moving stuff. Here's the last breakfast in the old house.
Posted by
The McClelland Family
9:20 AM