It's that time of year when we get to brag about everyone in our annual Christmas letter. if you want to read more, click on.
December 16, 2008
Dear Friends and Family,
I (Charles) have been tasked once again with writing the annual McClelland family Christmas letter/email. Sooo, here goes.
2008 was absolutely the best year yet for the McClellands, with the premiere events being:
June - Matt’s completion of his University of Minnesota Dermatology Residency. After 8 years of post graduate education, Matt is finally able to live a normal life like the rest of us. Shortly after finishing his Residency, he and his family (Emily, Annabelle, Ben, Jake, and Elisabeth) decamped to Bend, Oregon to start practicing with Bend Dermatology. They love living in that vibrant community in the eastern foothills of the Cascade Mountains. For more about the family, contact Matt at for access to their blog:
July – Chris married Christie Pennington. Christie is a vivacious and loving addition to our family, and has continued our unbroken string of good fortune in the spouses our children have married. All of our children were in the Jordan River Temple sealing room to share the occasion with Chris and Christie – a marvelous experience! And of course we got in a lot of visiting with everyone before and after, especially our grandchildren (which currently number six, but at that time only five – see next item below). Final note: Chris also received his BS in Economics from BYU and is now working for the FBI in their Salt Lake City office, while Christie continues to pursue her undergraduate degree at BYU.
August – Sara and Chris (we call him “Big Chris” to distinguish him from our son) became parents for the first time. Megan Elizabeth came into the world on August 27th (weighing in at 9 lbs. 7 oz.) and what a cute little girl she is! Sara and Chris are just about the most loving and attentive parents I have ever seen. For more about Chris, Sara, and Megan, see
As for the rest of the McClellands:
Dan: His recent calling as the Assistant Ward Clerk for Finance will be a wonderful growing experience for him, and he continues to be employed by RGIS.
Eddie and Andrea (and Thomas): Eddie is now in his 3rd year working for Price Waterhouse Coopers. He and Andrea are great parents for Thomas and are expecting another son in May. They are enjoying living in their own home, a lovely house in a quiet residential neighborhood. For more about Eddie, Andrea, and Thomas, see
Dave: We enjoyed a three day road trip to Southern Utah this summer with Dave (visited Bryce and Zion). Having received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from BYU this past summer, he is now pursuing a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from BYU.
Mary Anne: As can be imagined, the events of last summer kept the Matriarch hopping, so for the last 3 months she has been taking it easy (I will be slowly killed for that remark!). This past summer, her long time job working for Joe Schafer, Washington Post Distributor, ended when her boss retired.
Charles: My game plan was to begin to dial back my work activities this year, but a major contract with the Transportation Security Administration, plus on-going teaching a Georgetown University has resulted in the busiest work schedule of my life. Perhaps next year…
Well, that is how it goes for the McClellands. We hope you and your family were similarly blessed and that good fortune will be yours in the year to come.
Love, the McClellands
For additional pictures, see additional blog entries.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas 2008
Posted by
The McClelland Family
3:27 PM
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Retirement Party for Joe Schafer
As many of you know, I worked for Joe Schafer for over twenty years delivery a paper route at first, then delivering missed papers and occasionally doing the paperwork for the distribution of the Washington Post. In August, he retired from his job as a Washington Post Distributor after a very distinguished career, passing on his terrific work ethic to youth carriers in the early years and being a kind and patient boss to immigrants at the end of his career. On November 1st, some of his former carriers got together at my house to celebrate Joe's retirement. The picture of Joe (on the left) shown talking to Mitch Moore was, unfortunately, the only one I managed to take of him at the party. To see more photos, click on "read more."
Before the party, past carriers from near and far sent letters to be included in a memory book presented to Mr., I mean Joe Schafer as a gift along with some gift cards to Outback and Home Depot. There were some terrific messages and updates on youth carriers that made for a real treasure. Pictures were taken of all in attendance for inclusion in the book. Since I am a lousy photographer using a cheap camera, the photos are not the best and there are not very many of them--sorry everyone.
Posted by
The McClelland Family
3:01 PM
Monday, September 01, 2008
Megan Elizabeth Hiltner
Daughter, Sara, and husband, Chris, have a beautiful new daugher. Megan Elizabeth was born on 8/27 (Uncle Dave's birthday) at 11:03 p.m. weighing 9 lbs. 7 oz. and 22.5 in. long.
More Pictures:
Posted by
The McClelland Family
9:53 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Congratulations BYU Grads

With no fanfare whatsoever (note lack of robes and mortarboards), Dave and Chris McClelland recently graduated from BYU. Dave plans to pursue a Masters in Mechanical Engineering in the Fall while Chris begins working as support staff with the FBI in September. (Lest you think we are terrible parents, Chris and Dave elected not to attend graduation, either.)
Posted by
The McClelland Family
4:20 PM
Other Utah Adventures, Part 3: Mona Rope Swing and the Hot Pots
On the way back from southern Utah, we stopped at one of Dave and Chris' favorite spots, the Mona rope swing (at Burriston Ponds).
At the end of the week, Charles and Mary Anne took a hike to the "Hot Pots," some hot pools along Fifth Water in Diamond Fork Canyon. Directions: It is a lovely spot, but apparently some visitors choose to engage in rather unsavory behavior, particularly on weekends. So, if you go, it's best to go during the day and make lots of noise as you approach to make sure you don't encounter any shocking scenes.
Posted by
The McClelland Family
3:55 PM
Monday, August 04, 2008
Other Utah Adventures, Part 2: Zion National Park
After spending a glorious day in Bryce Canyon National Park, Charles, Mary Anne, and David headed down the road to Zion National Park.
While Bryce Canyon is all about bright colors and intricate rock formations, Zion canyon is about massive hunks of sandstone and sheer rock cliffs. Zion is a true canyon cut by the running water of Virgin river and its tributaries while Bryce is actually an amphitheater formed by erosion from falling rain and snow and the freezing and thawing cycle that goes on 200 days of the year. The lowest elevations of Bryce are at the highest elevations of Zion so Bryce is about 10 degrees cooler, a big plus in July. Well, we were lucky that it was only in the 90's at Zion instead of the usual 100+.
We entered the park from the East encountering a brief delay at the gate, but luckily finding the traffic going one way in our direction through the tunnel. The eastern part of Zion is a land of sculpted sandstone--petrified sand dunes.
After passing through the mile long tunnel, you enter the main part of the park. No vehicle traffic is allowed on the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive, so we found a parking spot at the visitor's center and got on the shuttle bus. It takes about 45 minutes to ride to the end of the line--Temple of Sinawava--where we get off to hike the Riverside Trail (Easy).
Posted by
The McClelland Family
5:31 AM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Other Utah Adventures, Part 1: Bryce Canyon
Once the wedding stuff was over and Mom and Dad Henderson's house put back together, Charles, Mary Anne, and Dave decided to explore some National Parks.
Posted by
The McClelland Family
2:05 PM